Privacy Policy

The following Privacy Policy applies to the products and services provided online via the internet exclusively by RH Wine Group Pty. Ltd. ABN 38 115 409 599 of PO BOX 9180 SOUTH YARRA VIC 3141. In this policy, the words ‘we’, ‘our’, ‘us’, ‘RH Wine Group’ and ‘Site’ refer to, RH Wine Group Pty Ltd and all of its related entities. RH Wine Group is entitled, at its sole discretion, to amend, add or remove any part of this Privacy Policy at any time without notice. You should review this Privacy Policy from time to time to ensure that you are up to date with any such amendments, additions or removals.


RH Wine Group recognises the importance of protecting the privacy of personal and financial information. We have employed strict policies and security measures to protect the information you provide us. When you register online with R.H.V, use the Site, or provide us with your personal information in store, you give us consent to process and use such submitted personal data in accordance with this Privacy Policy. This privacy policy applies to all protected personal information collected, maintained or used by RH Wine Group.


RH Wine Group will only collect information about you when you provide it to us, and we only collect information to provide better services to all of our users and customers. We collect information in two ways:
— Information you give to us directly. This information typically includes: your name, email address, first name, surname, address, year of both, postcode, domain name, and may also contain your username or any other information required to process an order through the Site.
— Information we collect through your use of our services. This includes information collected by our server, including the internet protocol (IP) address used to connect your computer to the Internet, operating system and platform, the average time you spend on, pages visited, information searched for, average access time, and websites you have visited previously, as well as other relevant statistics; cookies and other anonymous identifiers, which we send to your computer's browser for record-keeping purposes.


We may use the information you give to us directly to:
— deliver products to you, to collect payments and to manage your account, to market to you directly, as well as provide you with information about our products and services, and to notify you of changes to our products and services;
— contact you about new products, projects or seasonal promotions. If you wish not to receive such communications, you can unsubscribe by sending an email to You can also unsubscribe from the mailing list by clicking on the unsubscribe link that can be found in all communication emails that are sent;
— provide, maintain, protect and improve our services, to develop new ones, and to protect our services and our customers. We may also use this information to offer you tailored products, projects or seasonal promotions;
— we may use the information we collect through your use of our services to:
— measure the use of the Site and to administer and improve the Site. This statistical data is interpreted by RH Wine Group in its continuing effort to improve the Site and your shopping experience.
— gather information on which web pages are visited and how often, to make the Site more user friendly, and to give you a better experience when you return to the Site.
— we may combine the information you give to us directly with the information we collect through your use of our service.

In delivering our products or collecting and using your personal information, we may be required to disclose some of your personal information to third party organisations, including external service providers; our legal, accounting, financial or other professional advisors; and regulatory or government authorities as required by law.


RH Wine Group uses a number of security measures to protect the information you provide to us. We protect your personal information by:
— restricting internal and external access to your personal information; and
— maintaining our technology systems to prevent unauthorised computer access; and
— ensuring that third parties that require access to your information, including organisations outside Australia, take such steps as are reasonable to ensure that they do not breach our privacy obligations; and
— securely destroying your personal information when your personal information is no longer needed.
When purchasing from us, your financial details are passed through a secure server using the latest 128-bit SSL (secure sockets layer) encryption technology.
RH Wine Group uses the latest, industry standard 128-bit SSL (secure sockets layer) encryption technology to transmit and encrypt all credit information into RH Wine Group’s databases.


You are entitled to remove your name from our database at any time by contacting


For more information regarding privacy issues in Australia, please visit the Australian Federal Privacy Commissioner's website at